First of all....
*~Happy Holloween~*
to mah homies back in the Philippines. (^___^)
Ohmygawd. The black people here are starting to get to me. (O__O) Uhmm... back to the topic! So, anyway, I hope you guys had a good time celebrating the typical yearly antics that usually come from celebrating a day for dead people. 8D Speaking of dead people, I wanna show this picture of me looking like those classic ghosts in Grudge movies. Just click here. Beware, though.... whatever impressions you previously had on me might shatter into countless, irreparable pieces. No, I'm serious. (o__O) That face, my friends, won me the Halloween costume contest on my Freshmen year. Yes, I'm THAT scary. Though that picture was taken a while back (around two years ago) and so I'm not sure if I can still pull it off with my --- currently --- much shorter hair and tanner complexion. *shifty eyes*
And if your finished reeling from that troubling image, I'll continue with my post about how my Halloween went~.
*Ahem* As many of you know, candy is a vital necessity when it comes to the century-old tradition of Trick or Treat'ing. This holds true in the land of red, white and blue... very, very true. So, basically, I went with my parents and baby brother from house to house hoarding candy. And I'm talking about mini-Snicker bars, unlimited packets of taffy, Pocky sticks and Rice Crispies. If you've never tried a Rice Crispy, then your stumped. XD
So there I was.... marching around the neighborhood in a cosplay-themed sailor suite (with blood-red lipstick, whitening powder and eyeliner to boot), walking hand-in-hand with a chubby Baby Superman as we made our way up random lawns decorated with glowing pumpkins, tombstones, scarecrows and various other decorations. Some decorations were lame, others were kiddish and there had been a few that were just plain awesome. The nightly autumn air was chilly. Not very nice when your wearing a mini-pleated skirt and knee-high socks. (>__<) I think we went through twelve to fifteen houses. I wanted to do more, of course, but Drey eventually tired out despite his uncontrollable enthusiasm when we first started out. (>.>);
The kids were usually accompanied by adults and teens who were also in costumes. And once in a while, there'd be just a bunch of teens getting candy for the sake of candy. XD My dad even said that the kids were sometimes driven around by their parents to several different neighborhoods and subdivisions just to see how much candy they could actually get in one night. People really take things to the extreme here... but I guess if it's the U.S, they can pull-off just about anything. (@__@)
We strapped Drey onto his stroller and headed back. When we arrived, we were greeted by Donna, my uncle Bopip's supposed partner (I don't even know if they're married and/or together and I won't bother asking -.-;), Uncle Bopip himself and my cousin Matthew. Matthew's just a month older than Drey and, on this occasion, was dressed as Darth Vader. The two mischievous imps ran toward each other and started conversing in baby language. Then they started to push against each other as if fighting in a sort of wrestling match. The adults pulled them apart before anything serious happened. But it was kinda weird..... Darth Vader V.S. Superman. (o__o);
After being visited by more Trick-or-Treaters and a couple of friends from Donna and Tito Bopip's workplace (along with their son), we ate some cake and started to clean up. I had to wash and scrub my face three times just to get the eyeliner out. Oh, which remind me: I took a snapshot of me wearing the costume along a dark, narrow corridor. I'll post it whenever I can convince my dad to upload it from the digi-cam. :3
Hmm... well, that's about it. I can' think of anything left to say. :D Again, have a nice Autumn peoples!