It's been made official that I won't be enrolling to my previous school this year. We'll be leaving for Manila on June 20 (this month) for a health checkup. Something about needles and blood tests.
We'll be spending the whole time at my grandmother-sister's house, situated round' Makati. After that, we come back to Iloilo in order to begin the dreary task of packing our things. To be honest, I can't really believe it's happening... I'm seriously leaving! (O_O)
As I have yet to mention, I still have RS -- aka remaining skills -- left since last year. I finished the previous ones from my first year quite some time ago. Now all I have to do is buy Miss Bambi a new history book to replace the one I lost since that flood. (-_-)
Sir Ruel is being surprisingly merciful. He just gave me a list of essays to do and I'll be submitting them by next week. Atleast I have my mom to help me with that...
The real problem would be Science. I have a shitload of crap to sort out. I'm not even sure I can finish it all. Sir Zin doesn't seem quite happy with me, either. But I think I can atleast finish that achievement test he laid out for me.
Miss Mirv, my English teacher, won't be a problem. I have the LEAST amount of skills to finish with her (and it's ENGLISH, for crying out loud o-o). She gave me a schedule so I could see her from mon-fri next week.
I have no idea what lessons/subjects highschool would cover in the US. That's why I have to finish my skills so that I could go straight to highschool and skip this junior-high stuff. I'm actually hoping to be with kids around MY age, meaning I have to restart highschool from year ONE. Overall, that means I might spent 6 years of highschool, just like elementary.
Wierd... but I guess I won't have to worry about being younger than everybody else.
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