So, hey there! I'm back, still disappointingly alive. (>__<) Another week goes by in the land of America and not a day passes without me wishing I wasn't here. Well, it's not all that bad to be honest. The food is awesome (as expected, I've gained 10 pounds in less than 3 months >__>), the house is generally clean, I have a TV in my room, I have my whole family with me and I get to have hot showers whenever I want without having to go through the trouble of manually heating it over the stove with an oversized teapot. Life's good, but as personal rule of being a typical teenager, my list of complaints are just as long.
Here they are.... 8D
Since it's fall, it'd be natural for everything to freeze up a bit.
But apparently, I underestimated the cold BIG TIME. Every morning, my fingers would grow numb and swell slightly from the cold. Not only that, but I can see my breath each time I exhale. (O__O) I'd buy one of those nice fur-lined jackets, but my mom's still waiting for her Social Security stuff to be given the 'OK' signal so she can help my dad earn some cash. Basically, we're poor. Well, not really. XD But we're having issues concerning our cash income. Ironic how the economy works, doesn't it? We'd be considered 'rich' in the Philippines what with all the dollars we're being sent, only to be considered ordinary and middle-class here because we're earning AND spending dollars (not pesos). So until then (or when tita Suzette sends clothes from Massachusetts), I'll be freezing my butt off every morning.... I can only pray Mr. Eliades, my awesome History teacher, would continue to let me take shelter in his classroom to do work.
P.E. EVERY SINGLE [censored]!@#$%^&[censored] DAY. Yes, you heard me! (#__#)
My first few weeks were the most torturous. We run 8 laps around this HUGE track-n-field ring around the football field. Till now, I'm still amazed I hadn't fainted or succumbed to any sort of pulmonary dysfunction when I first attempted to run the first two laps. I practically didn't posses a single coordinated muscle in my body. None. If you must know, I've pretty much been a thin stick coated in soft fat for most of my life. That's all thanks to the fatless food and P.E. system in the Philippines, where we only had a single day of P.E. in a week for the majority of our four years in highschool. Psch... and I thought THAT was bad. (-__-) Lol. I've tried to imagine Kai running eight times everyday in that tiny body of her's. (o__O) She'd either die or trip after each lap from exhaustion. XDD
But, gradually, I got better. Of coarse, I can never beat those beastly long-legged white people who've been doing this kind of running since elementary. But, then again, I'm only trying not to be the last person on the track. XD Hmm... I wonder if I can beat everyone back in Iloilo for track n' field now? (^__^);
Raining homework. (x__x) Every fudging night. DX
Naturally, if I show any signs of laziness, my parents would wip out their authority personae. Which partially explains why I'm almost never online --- my dad would stab me if he found out I'm still 'wasting' my time updating my blog. It's virtually impossible for me to blow-off my homework... unless I forget about it. Which, honestly, happens quite often. (>__>)
My blog actually helps boost my sanity; it gives me an outlet to express the personality I have to hold back whenever I'm with the people in my school. I just can't be myself here. (T__T)
Retarded people. Seriously, some of them are just plain immature about a lot of stuff.
And no, I don't mean physical or sexual maturity. (-.-); I can never fully relate to anyone... ever. Almost everyone acts like the stereotypical teenager who never thinks about anything that doesn't affect their personal life. But I guess everyone here is like that: always restricting their world to what they only choose to know. Well, I guess that's America for you. But for those who are susceptible to feelings of depression and loneliness, it's not a very healthy environment. No wonder they have so many crazy people here who kidnap children and whatnot. I mean, I'm not the constantly-depressed type, yet I'm STILL suffocating from the lack of intelligent conversations. (-.-);
Have I also mentioned that the girls here wear makeup every single day? DD:
So this is my list of the crappy stuff I have to face whilst living here. Next time, I'll talk about each of my classes. By the way, it's important to note that the classes are based individually (per student), not the year they're in. To put it simply, everyone has different schedules. And just to save myself from talking about my schedule later, I have Algebra, English, Gym, World History, Spanish and Chemistry.
Bah. Just when I thought I'd gotten rid of Filipino, I suddenly have to study Spanish. (o.o); But it's okay, since it's not actually that hard~.
PS: This post has lots of errors in it. Bear with me... I have to sneak out with the laptop at 12PM midnight just to post here.
Till next time~. Hasta luego!(^__^)
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