The world owes you nothing. It was here first. "
For the next two weeks, I'll be blogging on a more frequent level. "Why," you ask? Simple: it's Christmas Vacation. Finally, I have time to recapture my sanity and rest my strained mentality. :3 Not to mention spending some with time with the good ol' family who often nag me into cleaning my dreadfully messy room. (>_<) I'm not exactly sure what to blog about, really... Christmas is coming, and here I am, lounging at home and doing nothing but sit on my butt and filling my cheeks with cholesterol-induced goods. I actually miss the familiarity of doing nothing for the sake of doing nothing. If you've read my posts from months long passed, you'd see what I'm talking about. Okay, so it may sound kinda moronic... but I can't help this tendency of mine which stems from my ability to appreciate life just by measuring the simple passing of days.
I plan to spend my two, school-free weeks watching National Geographic programs, blogging, update my anime tank, playing with my brother and chatting with sensible human beings on the net. (^__^) But I won't expect these to last long, of coarse. Next thing I know, I'll be tossed back into the cold school grounds and proceeding to study like a madman. I'm not gonna enjoy it, but it's what I must do. Afterall, you can't expect life to grant you bliss every second of everyday... it just doesn't work that way, I suppose. X3 I assume we're all destined to a lifetime full of swirling situations of every variety, locked in a battle with ourselves as well as the world. So I'm going to attempt to make this state of contentment last, letting it settle into my system until its once again expunged away from me by the simple passage of time and hard work. No more blogging, no more happy instances of chatting, no more manga.... the list goes on. Wa. (TT_TT) Ah, oh well. I guess I'll live.
Summer break seems a long way away and, even then, I'll be attending summer school in order to receive a less crowded schedule when the next school year starts. I've already been planning it out: Gym, English, Chemistry... and just about every damn class I'm taking this year that needs improvement on the first semester (which I missed). Ugh, I have to remember to consult the school Counselor about this. If I improve my grades, I could even enter a sort of 'student work program' where I'll be able to earn school credit by actually working on a part-time job assigned by the school. But, then again, I might not even go through with it simply because I may not be able to keep up. (x__x) Eh, it's basically all just a big "Maybe". Nothing's certain. I'm not even sure what course to take on college. Though nursing is one of the options I'm seriously considering. That, and literature. *ish a big fan of writing* Speaking of college, I don't even wanna go to college here. (@__@) Why? Because I'm scared. Simple as that. Not to mention the terrors of attempting to fit in with the whole American-college-atmosphere scenario.
Wow, this post just went from my activities regarding Christmas to blurting out parts of my life plans. *headdesk* (^^);
I guess I'll find out, ne? So stick with me till then~! :3
PS: *ehem* iloveya. (^_~)
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