I shall now indulge in a very long-winded description of what had happened. It was a shallow battle, I have to admit. For one thing, I was the one who caused it, and balefully, I simply wasn't sorry. I don't understand Myrtle sometimes. She's one of my best friends, but Myrtle shall always be Myrtle. She's generous, but only when she feels like it. She's a perfectionist, which is not exactly a good thing 24/7. She tends to view things through anime fantasy.
She's IS pretty, but she thinks she's 'all-that' which would often tempt me to take a kick at her self-esteem. And today, that's exactly what I did.
The classroom was practically empty, except with me, Myrtle and Tin. It was around recess and no one would be in till 10: 30. She was writing things in her black diary labeled '2009' and she suddenly breathed in a relieved sigh of pride, saying, "Ahh... beautiful poetry."
"I can't exactly call it beautiful." I retorted with a smile.
She paused for a moment, staring blankly at me while I still had that grin plastered on my face. I can honestly say that I didn't feel bad about it and I'm not sure I had wanted to take it back. I mean, she overreacted. I didn't even SEE what she'd written. She stuttered to say something back and, failing miserably, she took a stand and walked out of the room.
Hah, this wasn't the first time I gave her such a devilish treatment. I suppose I should apologies... it's the right thing to do, after all. She deserved better. I would have to face her, say sorry and get it over with. Myrtle hurts people sometimes.
I wonder if she knows this?
Hi Myrtle! -waves- (^o^)/*
Myrtle: Whatevurr... (-__-)
She's IS pretty, but she thinks she's 'all-that' which would often tempt me to take a kick at her self-esteem. And today, that's exactly what I did.
The classroom was practically empty, except with me, Myrtle and Tin. It was around recess and no one would be in till 10: 30. She was writing things in her black diary labeled '2009' and she suddenly breathed in a relieved sigh of pride, saying, "Ahh... beautiful poetry."
"I can't exactly call it beautiful." I retorted with a smile.
She paused for a moment, staring blankly at me while I still had that grin plastered on my face. I can honestly say that I didn't feel bad about it and I'm not sure I had wanted to take it back. I mean, she overreacted. I didn't even SEE what she'd written. She stuttered to say something back and, failing miserably, she took a stand and walked out of the room.
Hah, this wasn't the first time I gave her such a devilish treatment. I suppose I should apologies... it's the right thing to do, after all. She deserved better. I would have to face her, say sorry and get it over with. Myrtle hurts people sometimes.
I wonder if she knows this?
Hi Myrtle! -waves- (^o^)/*
Myrtle: Whatevurr... (-__-)
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