So much STUFF.
Where to start? (T^T)
- Love:
Let me begin with the most common thing a person at my age would talk about: Love.
Where to start? (T^T)
- Love:
Let me begin with the most common thing a person at my age would talk about: Love.
Though being Jeanne, I'ma just make this short. 8D
Knowing my friends, they'd be quite surprised I would choose such a topic, being very reserved about who I like, no matter who or where it is. And I truly mean the 'kissy-goo-goo' kind of love. They'd be moronically commenting on that a lot. Luckily, they're not here. -big grin-
I am human; with confusing human emotions, human habits and human interests.
I DO love, whether the people around me know this or not.
I'm a late bloomer when it comes to these matters. Err... how can I explain this to myself? It harbors both unchangeable happiness and excutiating pain -- and I mean that in a literally internal kind of way. How many lives it has changed and/or taken away cause' of it's universal power?
Knowing my friends, they'd be quite surprised I would choose such a topic, being very reserved about who I like, no matter who or where it is. And I truly mean the 'kissy-goo-goo' kind of love. They'd be moronically commenting on that a lot. Luckily, they're not here. -big grin-
I am human; with confusing human emotions, human habits and human interests.
I DO love, whether the people around me know this or not.
I'm a late bloomer when it comes to these matters. Err... how can I explain this to myself? It harbors both unchangeable happiness and excutiating pain -- and I mean that in a literally internal kind of way. How many lives it has changed and/or taken away cause' of it's universal power?
Lalala~! (^.^);

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- Myrtle:
Ah, yes. This topic...
Unlike the first topic, this doesn't drown my insides. It burns them.
Give me a minute before I type this down, just so I don't sound like I'm shouting my snot out....
-murderous glare-
Ah, yes. This topic...
Unlike the first topic, this doesn't drown my insides. It burns them.
Give me a minute before I type this down, just so I don't sound like I'm shouting my snot out....
-murderous glare-
I have no comment, other than the fact that I've just been greatly insulted. Heh, I guess Myrtle is the kind of individual who turns everything against them. What a sparkling, lovely persona she turned out to posses, making me feel like shit. Just goes to show that there are some people who take the natural path to the extreme.
At this point, she and I are no longer friends, I guess? I can't stand her and she can't stand me. Simple, ne? The first time I read it, I had this powerful urge to hit our computer screen. (=__=)
Other than that, I took this quite well.
There's just one thing I agree with in this entire chunk of jumbled paragraphs:
I should shut up. Even if she ended up like... uhh, I dunno. Killing people? I should be wise enough to leave her to whatever fate has in-store. Avoiding drama and all that.
"To be honest, I don't dislike Tin anymore. She went up to me while giving me a
glance. "Murt~ we need to talk. I think this is stupid." I gazed at her while I
replied with a simple "Huh?" I didn't want to talk. Since I was supposed to look
for some players in Soccer. She gave me the eye-beaming looks I was expecting.
"I don't~" I couldn't finish my sentence since the School President was looking
for me. I walked away without looking back. I don't really care anymore. I have
better things to do than this~
After all the games, I went home. Waiting
for Ms. Glyden to arrive so I can practice my song. Since tomorrow will be the
rehearsals for Mr. and Ms. Agelicum and they want to hear me sing. They want to
perfect the show so they what to hear me if my song will fit the program. While
waiting I turned on the computer and started to read these worthless messages
Jin keeps on giving me. She's an ass. She said "Sorry" but she never meant it.
She keeps on going like a gigantic ass giving out air~
She's a liar, for
all I know she cheats and she also steals. Not pure evil, ne Jin? She keeps on
muttering words that is practically worthless. She wasn't even supposed to be in
this but she went up to me and nagged. WTF? you choose to be in this fight and
now you're blaming me for the things that you don't want me to say and do.
Calling me a coward. Then trying to correct little things, bit by bit just
to tear me apart. Just to make me feel inferior. I know there's nothing wrong
with my grammar so no need to be an asshole Jin.
It wasn't me who asked
you to be in this. You are the one in fault so don't think you're doing justice.
Since all you're doing is making things worse. Why can't you just leave the ones
who should actually be in this ALONE. You're just making your own assumptions
while not listening to the other side of the story. You think you're God? for
heaven's sake. Get a life and stop trying to butt in to other's problems. You
have no respect for others and neither will others respect you.
You are
unworthy to be called a friend and when they do you use them, as if they're
something to be played with and get tired of. I tried to avoid giving you harsh
comments since you said "Sorry" but you started it again. Gaga~
you're the one assuaging for a fight with your unworthy words. Your comments are
not needed. But you keep on giving them. You're absurd. You're worthless. You're
not needed. So shut your mouth."
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- Family:
I'm not a very family-oriented person, but they ARE pretty important to me. There's no limit as to how much I really appreciate my mom, dad and everyone else. I don't care if it sounds a lil' too run-of-the-mill. I won't lie as to how much I both love and despise my kin.
For some reason, everyone on my dad's side runs a medical career.
Mom (mama 8D)- Lorelei Sherry Ho - My mom and I fight and/or argue sometimes (I once kicked her in the chest while she pulled my hair to the ground). She's usually always right. Painfully so.
She's pretty adept at handling people, receiving a couple of years worth of experience as a Med-tech. She later schooled as a nurse around 2005 and is currently a nursing consultant till the probable move to U.S. She's one of the few people who passed the entrance exams on the first try. She's a real studious kind of person ... unlike me. o(T. T)o
Personality-wise, she's secretly insane, has an addiction to chocolate and hates fat with a passion. She begs me for back rubs.
I recently figured-out that I received my sick humor from her. In a good way. Even so, she looks younger and prettier than me in comparison. Yes, she's Chinese.
(o. o)
Dad (papa XD) - Randy Paul Dumaplin - Ahh ... dad. I don't see him very often; he visits around once-a-year, working in Cali. He's also a nurse.
I've never been very aware of his work there, except that he used to deliver newspapers using his car (not with a bike... that's just retarded) before. He could have sold drugs and I would have been anything but conscience about it. Which he never did, mind you. (+_+)
If you've met my dad the first time around, you'd see a practical, reasonably quiet man. He's pretty blunt about things though at the same time doesn't show his emotions that often. He is the source of my mentality, giving to me straight how the world and people work. He's less into the microscopic details and more into seeing the whole entirety of the picture.
Like any other Filipino dude out there, he watches Manny Pacqiao and does so with overly coherent understanding. He's that wide guy with big arms and protruding belly.
I think I'm partially Japanese and Portugese through him and Grandmother Punay. -shrug-
Drey-Ball - Drey Mikael Dumaplin - Being less than a year-old, he doesn't have much of a personality to speak of. He's a fat lil' boy with a tight, yet vague understanding of nearly everything around him. He's remarkably heavy for his age and likes to chew things to bits. His favorite taste is banana and dislikes apple. XDD
Real cute~. \(@. @)/
My parents kind of have a problem. It's not like they're trying to kill each other, it's just that there's no actual love to speak-of between them. It's not my problem, I know ... just kinda anxious about what that would mean later on.
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