Interesting Definitions
N o s t a l g i a
nos - tal - gi - a
- A sentimental yearning for the past
- Homesickness [Greek nostos a return home + algios pain]
- Longing for something that is no longer there
Adjective: Nostalgic
Adverb: Nostalgically
O b l i v i o u s
o - bliv - i - ous
- Unaware or unconscious
- Forgetful or unattentive
Noun: Obliviousness
B o r i n g
bor - ing
- Uninteresting and tiresome
- Dull
Adjective: boringly
Noun: boringness
I r r a t i o n a l
ir - ra - tion - al
- Not endowed with reason
- Marked by a lack of accord with reason or sound judgment
Adverb: Irrationally
Noun: Irrationalness
M a s o c h i s m
mas - och - ism
- Gratification from being physically or emotionally abused
- The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself
- A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences
Noun: Masochist
Adjective: Masochistic
Adverb: Masochistically
E g o
e - go
- The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves
- An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit
- Pride in oneself; self-esteem.
- A person's opinion of his or her own worth
Adjective: Egotistic, Egotisti·cal
Adverb: Egotistically
F e i g n
fei - gn
- To give a false appearance
- To imitate so as to deceive
- Invent, imagine or pretend
v. feigned, feign·ing, feigns
Earth Day (Yay, Earth!)
The World is Just Awesome
" An aluminum can takes 200 years to decompose.
A styrofoam cup takes up to 50 years to decompose.
A plastic bottle takes more than 450 years to decompose.
A used/unused diaper takes 300 years to decompose.
Monofilament fishing lines take around 600 years to decompose.
And apple cores would take 2 months. "
" An aluminum can takes 200 years to decompose.
A styrofoam cup takes up to 50 years to decompose.
A plastic bottle takes more than 450 years to decompose.
A used/unused diaper takes 300 years to decompose.
Monofilament fishing lines take around 600 years to decompose.
And apple cores would take 2 months. "
It's the 2nd Earth day, everyone~.
I SWEAR I havent littered anything at all! (>_<);
Hopefully, this post will encourage the environmentalist in me. For the past 8 years of my life, it's been my compulsionary trait to watch National Geographic and Discovery Channel. I've learned alot from these two TV stations, and I still watch new documentaries whenever I get the chance.
If my memory serves me right, I was one of those people who turned their lights off on the 1st Earth day around March. I love Earth. It's our first and probably last home. X3
Ergh .... I gotta stop littering.
Saturday Party
It was a dark and stormy day!!!
Yes, it really was. Tropical country, remember? :3
I shall now describe --- in full detail --- what happened in Sanie's house this eventful Saturday.
*~meditates and goes into story mode~*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The twins told me on the phone that the party would begin at around 12PM, claiming they'd call me once they leave their house.
We were going to meet at Angelicum, leaving on a taxi that would take us to Sanie's house. I PM'd Kai, with info on the time and location, and went straight to the showers. Anticipating the occasion was alot to consider, so it took some time till' I found something acceptable to wear.
I didn't have alotta options, since most of my good clothing was being washed. (>.<)
I got to the front of Angelicum school alive and unscaved, waiting to see if everyone else was there. I found them inside the school, which I didn't bother to look into and see if was open. (O_o)
We hopped into a taxi sent by Tita Gamay (Sanie's caretaker and aunt); already on our way. The taxi actually got lost for a while, and we panicked a bit. XD Fortunetely, Kai had Tita Gamay's cell number and we took proper directions. Little did we know, their house was a mere 30 meter from where we were. How ironic~.
When we arrived, Sanie wasn't there. During lunch, I ate as little as possible, so I was hungry. Apparently, everyone else was, too. Sanie was late. We waited for more ethan 30 minutes, and she still wasn't there. XD In order to shake the feeling of starvation and boredom, we -- Kai, Min and Tin -- decided to take a walk outside of the respected lot.
Sanie's house is kinda situated outside the city, so her backyard was practically the countryside. We didn't get very far; we were content on spending the time talking and pondering ontop of a familiar bridge. We were telling stories of how we spotted snakes below the said bridge to Kai. When we got back, Sanie STILL wasn't there....
She and her dad were late cause they had to pickup a sort of dessert on their way from the airport. When Sanie arrived, I shouted, "Sanie, your late! Is this how you greet you're guests? By starving us to death?! (T^T)" She giggled.
Ah, Sanie. Lol. We skipped into the house, staring at the table-full of food like the starving vultures that we were.
Ah, Sanie. Lol. We skipped into the house, staring at the table-full of food like the starving vultures that we were.

We scrambled when our turn came; I stabbed the huge bowl of spaghetti and scooped a good helping onto my plate.
The following conversation happened when Sanie was getting her own plate:
Jeanne: SANIE! Don't slouch. (>_<)
Sanie: *really didn't hear her*
Kai: Maybe they're heavy? (o.o)
Jeanne: *laughs*
Kai: *laughs with Jeanne*
Jeanne: *chokes on a huge chunk of spaghetti she unpurposefully forgot to chew*
Rogen: *sees Kai laughing and falls on the floor*
Jeanne: *laughs even more, still choking*
Sanie: *just got back to our table* ...What's so funny? (O_O)
The whole house was colored in bright pink. The place was so peculiar. The house itself was tall, yet the floor spacing was so small. Just like Sanie. (^_^)
I cringed from the walls, whilst Kai kept mentioning how the place resembled a doll house.
I cringed from the walls, whilst Kai kept mentioning how the place resembled a doll house.
It was strange how Rogen (a classmate at school and Sanie's
We hung-around Sanie's room after all the eating and singing. Her dad agreed to lend us his laptop, and we began dragging the time by watching videos on youtube.
At first we watched transforming Naruto vids... looking at Gaara becoming a girl, Hinata becoming 'normal', Sasuke looking less emo... and that made us laugh.
God. They turned Lee into Harry Potter. (O_o)
Since everyone was rather curious about Elfen Lied, we ended-up watching that next. For some reason, Rogen's lil' sister wanted to watch what WE were watching. If you know what kind of show this is, you'd figure-out why we didn't want her to watch.
But she cried. And Sanie, being easily swayed by tears, let her watch.
I was actually kinda' pissed at that. A little girl who cries to get what she wanted didn't seem like a very pleasant one to me. (=.=);
But I didn't mind, and we continued to watch. We got till episode three when the laptop was taken away. After a while, we got bored with playing with a lizard on the wall and Sanie's lazer pen.
Being left with nothing to do, we took to the outdoors. It was already around 6:30PM, so it was pretty dark outside the lawn. For some reason, we began playing pranks on random people on the streets with the lazer (it was amazing how far that thing could reach!). One of the most amusing subjects was a couple, waiting out on the highway for a jeep. They were a good 40 feet away from us.

I pointed it at them; Kai saw entertainment potential and instructed me to point at an amusing spot. I landed the red lazer dot on the girl's butt. Guilty as charged~! Bwuahahaa... (^.^);
Min and Tin giggled real hard.
The girl realized she was the probable subject of amused hysteria and pointed us out on her male companion. He followed the direction of her finger and was looking right at us. Err... busted. (O_O);
We ran back to the house, still giggling like idiot teens. We were being SO immature. :3
After a moment or two, we headed back out... hoping the two were gone. A jeep was driving away, with something prominently sticking out of the moving vehicle, up into the air.
It took me a while for me to realize it was an arm, and attached to that arm was a hand that clearly said, "Fuck you." Me and Kai incediously stared back as the middle-finger drove away. Kai wanted to return the kind gesture, but she couldn't. Especially since Tita Gamay was standing right beside her. XDD
As it got darker, few people passed by, and it was nearly time for us to find something better (and less evil things) to do. Luckily, Sanie offered the solution --- via handing us leftover cans of 'Silly String'.
It's funny how the Philippines doesn't possess the joys of ingenius prank items.
Sane instucted us to shake the can and I followed, shaking it for as long as I could. I removed the cap and took a swing at squirting whatever it was that was inside the can.
Next thing I know, something that looked like thin strings of toothpaste shot 5 feet up into the air. Interesting. This was the most adrenalin-pumping part of the party.
I was the first person to attack, squirting the silly strings right into everyone's hair and face. MY can was the strongest, and so I had quite the advantage in distance. =0
I practically did pirouettes in order to dodge everyone else. Tin couldn't hit me. *grin*
We made a mess on Sanie's front lawn, scattering the gooey, non-sticky pieces of strings everywhere. Haha... (^ ^);
We were being shortly interviewed by what we thought of the party, taking pictures of everyone and such. I'll post the pics when I recieve them from everyone else. =D
Min and Tin was brought home by Sanie and her dad. Kai's mother arrived, and drove the two of us home.
3/5 Boredom
I have nothing to do. Nothing... whatsoever.
I blame THEM. DD:
I've been waiting for Min and Tin (the twins) to give me a call about the party for coordinating purposes.
I've been fully dressed for hours, then they call and tell me the time for the party's been moved three from now. Ugh. How inconvenient. I couldn't eat crab when lunch came cause' the smell would stick on meh fingers. (-.-);
I was excited for the party and I wouldn't want to smell like salted seafood when I got there. XDD
Finally! Somewhere to go, something to do and I'll be able to forget a certain someone. Haha, right off the bat. Ne? (^_^)
I blame THEM. DD:
I've been waiting for Min and Tin (the twins) to give me a call about the party for coordinating purposes.
I've been fully dressed for hours, then they call and tell me the time for the party's been moved three from now. Ugh. How inconvenient. I couldn't eat crab when lunch came cause' the smell would stick on meh fingers. (-.-);
I was excited for the party and I wouldn't want to smell like salted seafood when I got there. XDD
Finally! Somewhere to go, something to do and I'll be able to forget a certain someone. Haha, right off the bat. Ne? (^_^)
Elfen Lied
" Every form of life has it's end. An apocalypse. When the time comes, a certain race is sure to meet it's dire extinction. A new genus, born from the old one, will rise above the rest and meet it's inctinct's expectations. Is the urge to kill truly a scream for a new world? Or merely a mirror of cruel, despondent neglect? Such beings were being held in a special experimental facility off the coast of Kamakura in Kanagawa, south of the city of Yokohama, by the chief executive of the experimental facility. A teenage Diclonious is notoriously named by the staff as 'Lucy,'.
With the use of her vectors, she escapes the facility; deflecting gunfire and effortlessly killing security guards. As she makes her way out of the facility, a sniper aims and attempts to shoot her down, instead breaking her metal blinder... causing her to fall into the sea by the cliffside."
The title 'Elfen Lied' is taken from a song in German, which literally means, 'Elves Song'. I suppose it refers to the Diclonius. Hehe... just thought you should know. :3 Elfen Lied has to be one of my most faved anime series. As I've said, I have a 'thing' for mysterious murder stories. Throw in a childhood love story, and you've got a VERY worthy anime. (^__^); The song's a remix meant for the Resident Evil OST by Flyleaf. This AMV is awesome on my book! It syncs and everything... even the song makes a good match once you get to know the series~.
WARNING: Contains nudity, aswell as explicitly animated scenes of blood and gore.
Blogger's Note: The manga ish 45% better. Because it's much more detailed. Although I hate the fact that Lucy died in the manga --- via a liquid sespool of her own bodily innards. I cried at the end. \(^0^)/
{B} o r e d
It's like my worst fears are materializing right before me. I've been stuck at home for a solid two weeks, my butt glued to the soft cushions at home. I've been bored. So !@#$%^& bored. I know I've done, "I'm bored" posts before, but I just can't help talking on and on and on (and on and on...!!! -__-; ) about the things that bother me, including the things that shouldn't
Swimming classes simply aren't happening.
The twins are procrastinating about our enrollment to Museo, and my one source of perpetual happiness has practically abandoned me (O_o). The only memory worth saving this summer is probably that party with Sanie this coming Saturday. She's going off traveling with her dad and so she wanted a 'going away' party to comemorate our last days of togetherness. I'm actually really excited bout' that. :3
Heh. She might even pass by Japan. =0
Lucky her.
This summer just ain't feeling right. There's nothing to do; no one to talk to. I'm not a complete anti-socialist like Kai, so I get pretty lonely. Even SHE has another living thing to hang-out with this summer --- Her dog (Yes, apparently the creature survived it's owner's assaults with the studded belt). Which just makes me feel even MORE depressed. DD:
*stab stab*
Next thing I know, I'll end up butt-naked on the streets yelling,
"Look at me! Look at me!" just so I could do some good ol' routine-breaking.
Seriously. (>__<)
Swimming classes simply aren't happening.
The twins are procrastinating about our enrollment to Museo, and my one source of perpetual happiness has practically abandoned me (O_o). The only memory worth saving this summer is probably that party with Sanie this coming Saturday. She's going off traveling with her dad and so she wanted a 'going away' party to comemorate our last days of togetherness. I'm actually really excited bout' that. :3
Heh. She might even pass by Japan. =0
Lucky her.
This summer just ain't feeling right. There's nothing to do; no one to talk to. I'm not a complete anti-socialist like Kai, so I get pretty lonely. Even SHE has another living thing to hang-out with this summer --- Her dog (Yes, apparently the creature survived it's owner's assaults with the studded belt). Which just makes me feel even MORE depressed. DD:

Next thing I know, I'll end up butt-naked on the streets yelling,
"Look at me! Look at me!" just so I could do some good ol' routine-breaking.
Seriously. (>__<)
For the past two days, I've done nothing more than pre-occupying myself. My thoughts have never been so calm. Almost as thought I've been mentally preparing myself for something. But, then again, it's still too early to do anything more. All I can do is dodge and evade. I guess it's just a sort of late reaction...?
Emotions are irrelevant and irrational. They cloud you're sense of judgment, yet you can never imagine life without them. There are times when it's best to listen to these emotions, other times, it's best wisen-up and use you're head.

Some choices are easy. Some aren't.
But those choices are the really important ones; the ones that define us as people. We shape our choices and the choices we make -- and consider -- shape us. This fact is a principle: A rule and, therefore, unchangable. Making mistakes is an uncanny talent for us mere mortals.
If you haven't noticed, I got a particular line from the movie, "Number 23".
I guess I sort of have a 'thing' for uncommon murder stories.
These two days have made me think that I've been nothing more than an over-reacting bastardess. I should calm down, and simply say, "I don't mind."
Even when it's a big, fat lie. (^__^)
I DO mind... But, like so many other instances, it's best to ignore my personal feelings and do what is best for everyone, even the ones who have nothing to do with me. Time eases these unspoken words, even for the ones who wish they wouldn't. After all, the human memory is but a sieve.
Bah. I'll forget. I always do.
But... Do I really want that? Ergh. So confuzzling. (-.-);
I wonder what guys are like in the U.S.?
Muahahaa... Just kidding~.
Or... am I? *shifty eyes*
Sick and Wrong
P I S S E D .
Or is it simply a case of jealousy? Eh... (O_o)
Quitting Friendster for the moment and taking a good, long break from my laptop/computer seems like the healthy thing to do.
And I mean that quite literally. There's pretty much no logical, sane reason for me to be in this state of blind fury... I just AM. How wierd. (>_<) Why can't this person simply say, "I really like someone else now."?
*rolls eyes*
Myrtle: She looks like my effin' maid.
Ah, insulting this person feels about right. But, I can't go any further.... it would never feel right. I just feel so empty, like nothing really matters anymore. Again, I shall say, 'I don't mind'. >P
Because I don't....
Right?! (o_o)

" The Fairytale is long over.
But, will the friendship last past the summer? "
The hovering taste of summer carresses the eager gaze of young hearts.
But, will the friendship last past the summer? "
The hovering taste of summer carresses the eager gaze of young hearts.
It seems as if nothing can come between them and their much-awaited
piece of carefree haven. But, even then, only the naive say that the future
remains as bright as it twas'.
Whether it is by you're own personal chord or the hand of ominous fate, no
one, not even the rich or the momentary spoiled, can assume that they're
the undoubted epitome of human perfection. I suppose you could say that
it was by mere luck; being born into a world revolving comfort, money and
expensed talent. They think they are better than the rest. Or rather, the
best among most.
Summer Solstice
I hate pink. Yes, I really do. Someday, when the unravelling twists of reality should give me children, I'd dress them in either light blue, white or gray.
Ugh. D:
Ah, girliness. The muted torture of having to look at highheels, boas, tutus and over-eccentric jewelry still stuns be to this day. It should have never been allowed to step-forth into reality. (+_+)
Right now you're sitting on you're chairs, sofas or beanies, staring at this variously-made laptop /slash/ computer and ask, "Why is this nutty girl talking about pink?"

It's all in the matters of summer vacation; sunlight, swimsuites and fun.
As I have mentioned beforehand, I'll be attending this Museo art-thingy with Min and Tin, having to brave the heat and light just to get there on nearly everyday of the week, for the rest of this summer vacation. Pink is everywhere when it comes to the outside world!
But enough of that out-of-topic crap. It's time for an update of my damn life...
I still haven't finished my RS. Fuck, right? Eh, I don't plan on getting mellodramatic peoples, it's just that I hate leaving things undone. I despise loose ends. Apparently, Sir Ruel was succumbing to another one of his PMS attacks just last week. I still hold a grudge against him for throwing my personal book out the door (twas' Harry Potter). It got trambled by kids just three seconds after landing on the polished floor, on a central point in the hallway. !@#$%.
Next comes the fact that Myrtle has left for Manila. Whether she has permanently left is unknown, but it's common knowledge to know that this is a yearly routine for her.
Then there is Kai, left all alone in her room with her laptop, parents,
If I'm lucky, I'll get to enroll with the twins tomorrow for Museo . I just hope Tin can pull her head together long enough to remember. XD
And -- to make SOMEONE less disappointed about me being a non-sporty type of girl -- I have firmly decided to take mom's offer for swimming lessons, alongside my schedule with art class. Well, I might get tanner this summer (which I wouldn't like the least bit), but atleast I'd be able to live a more active lifestyle instead of lying on my butt for the next month.
With Me
I don't want this moment
to ever end
Where everythings nothing
without you
I'll wait here forever
just to - to see you smile
'Cause it's true...
I am nothing without you
Through it all,
I made my mistakes
I stumble and fall,
but I mean these words
I want you to know,
with everything
I won't let this go
These words are
my heart and soul
I'll hold onto this
moment you know
Cause' I bleed
my heart out to show
that I won't let go
Thoughts ran unspoken,
forever in doubt
Pieces of memories
fall to the ground
I know what I didn't
have so,
I won't let this go
'Cause it's true,
I am nothing without you
All the streets
where I walked alone,
with nowhere to go
have come to an end
I want you to know
With everything
I won't let this go,
these words are
my heart and soul
I'll hold onto this
moment you know
Cause' I bleed
my heart out to show
that I won't let go
Infront of your eyes,
it falls from the skies
when you don't know what
you're looking to find
Infront of your eyes,
it falls from the skies
when you just never know
what you will find
(what you will find x4)
I don't want this moment
to ever end
Where everythings nothing
without you
I want you to know,
with everything
I won't let this go
These words are
my heart and soul
I'll hold onto this
moment you know
Cause' I bleed
my heart out to show
And I won't let go (x2)
Two Choices - Not Optional
"We have two choices:
- Be yourself and have alot of people dislike you and reject you for who you are.
- Or keep your head down and act like everyone else.
Some people have charisma and don't need to worry about this s**t. They are naturally normal and everyone likes them anyway, but bearly anyone has this. The first option has more ups and downs when I acted like myself. I had really, really happy times, but I also tried to kill myself twice. Now I would never ever consider killing myself, but my life is boring.
I have about two close friends and tons of people I don't even like who I call my friends and get drunk with every weekend. They would probably all hate me if they knew whi I really am. Like, I don't even know how to act like myself anymore. So what option is better? Does anyone else have this problem?"
I came across this thread on Gaia. Again, I shall post the replies which I find to be most captivating.
- Blitzkrieg Beauty
- katie thinks pink
- merixthexninja
- Be yourself and have alot of people dislike you and reject you for who you are.
- Or keep your head down and act like everyone else.
Some people have charisma and don't need to worry about this s**t. They are naturally normal and everyone likes them anyway, but bearly anyone has this. The first option has more ups and downs when I acted like myself. I had really, really happy times, but I also tried to kill myself twice. Now I would never ever consider killing myself, but my life is boring.
I have about two close friends and tons of people I don't even like who I call my friends and get drunk with every weekend. They would probably all hate me if they knew whi I really am. Like, I don't even know how to act like myself anymore. So what option is better? Does anyone else have this problem?"
I came across this thread on Gaia. Again, I shall post the replies which I find to be most captivating.
"Why do you care so much about what other people think about you?
That's the problem here, not you being "different" or 'normal'.
You sound exactly like all those kids who dress or act "differently" but with that comes an attitude. You expect everyone to hate you for being 'different' so you act like they do, when in reality of course some people don't like you, that's just how it is, but most people don't give a s**t about how you act or dress.
Then, you start acting and dressing a certain way so everyone will like you, but you feel like that's not what you like to be. So, you're upset yourself about that, and get depressed.
The problem is completely internal, and it's something you're going to have to learn to deal with, especially while you're still in high school. If who you want to be includes dressing a certain way and having a lot of friends, combine the two.
It's very possible, as long as you have the right attitude. "
- Blitzkrieg Beauty
"No, neither of those are options. If you're just yourself, that's all you are, yourself. You really demonize the general public.
Self confidence can do a lot in the way that people receive you.
'Acting like everyone else with your head down' doesn't do s**t and the people you talk about are probably 10x more confident than you. You're pretty self centered to think people are watching and judging you for the way you dress or act, huh?
No one gives a s**t, and it's all in your head. By the way, what you're going at isn't 'different' at all, because there's just as many kids trying to be 'different'
just like you. You're not special."
- katie thinks pink
"I act like myself. If someone doesn't like it, oh well. (You overly-sensitive folk who hate me probably didn't understand what the hell I said, anyway. Yes, that refers to a specific group of people on gaia.) That, and I'm too lazy to bother acting like anyone else."
- merixthexninja
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