For the past two days, I've done nothing more than pre-occupying myself. My thoughts have never been so calm. Almost as thought I've been mentally preparing myself for something. But, then again, it's still too early to do anything more. All I can do is dodge and evade. I guess it's just a sort of late reaction...?
Emotions are irrelevant and irrational. They cloud you're sense of judgment, yet you can never imagine life without them. There are times when it's best to listen to these emotions, other times, it's best wisen-up and use you're head.

Some choices are easy. Some aren't.
But those choices are the really important ones; the ones that define us as people. We shape our choices and the choices we make -- and consider -- shape us. This fact is a principle: A rule and, therefore, unchangable. Making mistakes is an uncanny talent for us mere mortals.
If you haven't noticed, I got a particular line from the movie, "Number 23".
I guess I sort of have a 'thing' for uncommon murder stories.
These two days have made me think that I've been nothing more than an over-reacting bastardess. I should calm down, and simply say, "I don't mind."
Even when it's a big, fat lie. (^__^)
I DO mind... But, like so many other instances, it's best to ignore my personal feelings and do what is best for everyone, even the ones who have nothing to do with me. Time eases these unspoken words, even for the ones who wish they wouldn't. After all, the human memory is but a sieve.
Bah. I'll forget. I always do.
But... Do I really want that? Ergh. So confuzzling. (-.-);
I wonder what guys are like in the U.S.?
Muahahaa... Just kidding~.
Or... am I? *shifty eyes*
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