I hate pink. Yes, I really do. Someday, when the unravelling twists of reality should give me children, I'd dress them in either light blue, white or gray.
Ugh. D:
Ah, girliness. The muted torture of having to look at highheels, boas, tutus and over-eccentric jewelry still stuns be to this day. It should have never been allowed to step-forth into reality. (+_+)
Right now you're sitting on you're chairs, sofas or beanies, staring at this variously-made laptop /slash/ computer and ask, "Why is this nutty girl talking about pink?"

It's all in the matters of summer vacation; sunlight, swimsuites and fun.
As I have mentioned beforehand, I'll be attending this Museo art-thingy with Min and Tin, having to brave the heat and light just to get there on nearly everyday of the week, for the rest of this summer vacation. Pink is everywhere when it comes to the outside world!
But enough of that out-of-topic crap. It's time for an update of my damn life...
I still haven't finished my RS. Fuck, right? Eh, I don't plan on getting mellodramatic peoples, it's just that I hate leaving things undone. I despise loose ends. Apparently, Sir Ruel was succumbing to another one of his PMS attacks just last week. I still hold a grudge against him for throwing my personal book out the door (twas' Harry Potter). It got trambled by kids just three seconds after landing on the polished floor, on a central point in the hallway. !@#$%.
Next comes the fact that Myrtle has left for Manila. Whether she has permanently left is unknown, but it's common knowledge to know that this is a yearly routine for her.
Then there is Kai, left all alone in her room with her laptop, parents,
If I'm lucky, I'll get to enroll with the twins tomorrow for Museo . I just hope Tin can pull her head together long enough to remember. XD
And -- to make SOMEONE less disappointed about me being a non-sporty type of girl -- I have firmly decided to take mom's offer for swimming lessons, alongside my schedule with art class. Well, I might get tanner this summer (which I wouldn't like the least bit), but atleast I'd be able to live a more active lifestyle instead of lying on my butt for the next month.
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