I'm in a bit of a tight pickle. It's that time of the month again (no, I'm not talking about that), where I choose my blog's "Song of the Month". As a general rule, I can't repeat songs from the same band/artist on the same year. It's for the sake of variety, peoples. And I still have no idea. I might have to use those two particular songs I've had on my mind for a while now. But, which one? Their both by the same band and they're both on my top list. I'm not usually this picky. Blahh... I guess my mood would have to be the sole judge of this. Good thing too, since these two songs portray a generally different message and feeling.
I've just noticed I've gone into some sort of blogging addiction. (o__O)
I have this strange compulsion to blog every 2-3 days. If I don't, I'd get a seizure. Well, okay, not really. But I'd feel this dull sense of uncomfortable-ness. It's not a very nice thing, since I only have until next week to finish all my damn RS. Why, you ask? Cause' my dad is arriving here from US. Yes, the same dad who yelled at me during that phonecall (Hah, it's not like I have any other dad). Will he be happy to see me and my brother? Yes, of course. Will he be happy to see me with around 20 unfinished skills? NO. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he took that threat of his seriously (he threatened to leave me behind).
I know what you're all thinking.... I'm an ungrateful, irresponsible bish for not finishing something that simply requires some hard work. Yeah, I guess I am. I wouldn't deny it, even when my nature as a teenager is all about lashing out and defending myself. I can be a moronic idiot, and I know it. I guess that makes me twice the idiot. Hehe... I have no idea how a post like this went from the topic of songs to obscurely bashing myself. But you know what they say, "You can merely blame and forgive yourself." (^.^);
I came to the school again today, arriving at 3:30pm. I passed by the comp lab --- and saw a my ex-classmates in there doing what they usually do --- and into Miss Marinel's room. Unfortunately, I found the classroom empty. I went down the faculty lounge and learned that Miss hadn't been in there the whole day. All I could to was run back to her room and snoop through her desks in order to find my list of skills to recopy (my old copy had puke spewed on it e__e).
List of skills:
406 - Explain the importance of Biology.
407 - Identify a few Filipino and foreign biologists and their contribution to Biology.
408 - Describe the various characteristics of living things.
409 - Explain and utilize the Scientific methods.
415 - Describe the process by which materials enter and leave the cell.
418 - Describe the two important events in photosynthesis (light dependent reaction and light independent reaction).
419 - Distinguish the differences and similarities of anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
420 - Describe the main events in cellular respiration (Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron transport).
422 - Compare and contrast mitosis from meiosis.
423 - Briefly discuss gametogenesis.
424 - Compare and contrast DNA and RNA.
425 - Explain protein synthesis.
427 - Define genetics and Mendel's Principles of Heredity.
428 - Solve genetic problems regarding monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
429 - Differentiate the types of mutation and identify factors which cause the said mutations.
430 - Cite the genetic issues and applications to the human quality of life.
Note-to-self: Never EVER shave your eyebrows. Trust me. Tweezers are way better. DD:
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