Note-to-self: Never wear sleeveless shirts inside an aircon-ed room and with wet hair.

It started with 20 sneezes under 5 minutes. Next thing I know, I get the usual symptoms of a fever. I can barely breath through my nose. (>__<) Headaches, glazed eyes and a sore throat. Not to mention snot-galore. Plus my 'curse'. Have I mentioned my laptop was sold for 8,000 pesos? It was sold, along with all my header images for my blog and various photos I've collected since last year. Luckily, it was sold to my grandparents, so I can have those back by next week. You know... if my mom hasn't deleted them already.... (-.-);
I'm currently borrowing my lola Agnes's acer laptop. It's much more advanced than mine, but it takes some getting used to. It's really small... I just can't seem to hit the shift key the right way, hence my current capitalization issues and the occasionally misplaced bracket.
Grr. (e__e)
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