Actual Performance
Results - English Play
Well, it could have been worst.
We basically did fine. Myrtle added a few more scenes here and there, scrapped the idea of me being an evil spirit and poisoned Earl (Lord Babar) as an exclusive ending. For some reason, I love my role as the leading swindler. :3
At the end, I'm the only main character who lived. And~! We won the class competition and got treated to lunch by Miss Mirv.
Tin ---> Pays Jeanne to embarrass Myrtle ---> Myrtle 'murders' me and discovers Tin's plan ---> Tin and Earl dance like lovers ---> Myrtle intervenes ---> Myrtle Poisons Earl ---> Tin commits suicide cause of Earl's death ---> Jeanne is bleeding but alive ---> Myrtle is surprised
---> Jeanne stabs Myrtle ---> Jeanne survives.
The end.
Barf / Gag / Scoff
Science Dissection
We've had Science experiments this week, namely the classic frog dissection (or in our case, toads). I've only been at Angelicum since my 1st Year, and have yet to see the mutilated body of a former living thing of any type or species. Apparently, they've had these activities back in thier elementary and obviously had fun in telling me the tales of frogs still staggering from thier cardboard coffins, whilst dragging thier exposed innards. They were still VERY much alive. (O-o)
At first I thought, "Hm, this isn't a big deal, right? I'm sure injecting a toad with chemicals and cutting it's stiff skin open should be lotsa fun!"
Guess what? It
Not only was the stench of dead frog and formaline unbearable, the sight of Fedhi and Sanie slicing our frog's heart off was just... disturbing. We literally broke it's heart! XDD I half-expected to see greenish blood splurt-out at any moment. Ah, me and my hyperactive imagination. I actually felt like puking after an hour or so in the BioLab. Luis brought an especially HUGE frog for his group and removed everything... except the brain. And I mean everything. He then proceeded to parade around the school with the zombie-frog and scare anyone -- even the little kindergarten girls -- who passed by the stairway beside the highschool library entrance. Fudge. That moronic bastard.

My appetite simply left me by the time lunch came. (-.-);
Fake Love

put childish things behind you! And yet,
you gave this girl a kind of fake love when you
DAMN well know it was unfair on YOUR part.
And now... you've unwillingly got yourself
into this shit hole. Is this what you want?!"
"Ganyan din sinabi nung ex GF ko."
"Hah. And you know what?
Your recieving this reasoning from a
SIX friggin YEARS."
" . . . "
"You should KNOW what you want.
You don't know how important that is."
"... I guess I wanted something new in my
life; to wake up and see things differently."
"Is that so?"
"You're like a sudden breeze
who unexpectedly blew in... "
I wasn't sure if it was the cold or the firm buttons of the keyboard,
"Please don't say that."
"You make it sound as if I'm the one you want.
Absent-minded Heart
- Hearts Day -
I was absent last Friday cause' Erika had infected me with her so-called fever.
I spent most of the day asleep and woke up around 4PM, wondering if I was still alive. Odd, eh? Then I got to the computer and started working further on my RS. But to my utter irritation, a blackout popped in! Yes, the inconvenience almost made it seem like someone was plotting against me. Of course, that was impossible....
Or WAS it? (o-O)
Being as ugly as hell, I'm surprised to discover a few distant admirers revealing themselves before this year's Valentine's Day... Not that they WANTED to be revealed. Sir Zin told me that some mystery guy from the higher years was watching me, and, I just happened to spot a few dudes positively whispering about me during the flag ceremony a couple of Mondays ago.
I also recieved a greeting and a short-term conversation from someone (which made me pretty happy, considering the occasion and boredom of the day).
Other than that, thier was no surprising turn of events this year.
Oh~! And I almost forgot to mention that Myrtle had managed to sneak-in her chocolates for Mr. Dun.
-smug smile- (^-^)
Recently, though... I'm beginning to think that I'm the undoubted "Queen of Unrequited Love".
Things aren't going that well for me.
Ah. Oh well. (^.^);
Perpetual Laziness
My... I've certainly been slacking on the issue of my blogging. So, I'm willing to do FIVE posts tonight to make-up for it. I'll be posting about a few major events this week, namely:
- Science Dissection (guh)
- Comments on Erika's Flue
- Results for English Play
- V-day

Novels and Textbooks

As if to celebrate the start of my work on SS (Social Studies) term papers and this year's Science RS (remaining skills), I have finished reading both Twilight and most of the Harry Potter book series; seeing as how I still lack the 7th book, I haven't quite finished it. The two books aren't so bad, as many lazy readers have claimed it to be. In fact, I rather enjoyed the intricate woven plot of Harry Potter and the wild, 'WTF' moments of Twilight.
The only reason why I probably hate Twilight is due to the fact that Bella, one if it's characters, show the typical characteristics of a Mary Sue, always being pathetically rescued by the vampire-ish symbol of masculinity that is Edward Cullen. That... and the stupid lil' fangirls. I mean, horrible luck and a knack for attracting impending doom from the supernatural? What kind of retarded excuse is that -- putting you're character in hopelessly hapless situations of helpessness practically 24/7?
I don't know whether it suffices to complain about Harry Potter, though:
other than the fact that you have to keep a wild array of wizard, witches and whole bunch of magical creatures in mind -- just to remember what the story is about in the first place -- the books are wonderfully written with clever details here and there, with shortcuts when it need-be to avoid lag in the overall results. It's like I have the whole story behind my eyelids.
*sigh* If only school textbooks can be this entertaining.
I've been skimming through the forums of Gaia one day and have randomly stumbled upon the forbidden knowledge of dieting which I have failed to store in my racked brain! Wow, won't everyone be surprised to read this.
"The best thing to do is be hard on yourself and punish yourself by forcing yourself to cut out calories and to honestly feel insecure. It works for me, I mean it may sound unhealthy, we have a considerable amount of tolerance for obesity in The US. Since most people are obese or Anorexic here. It appears so these days. Just take proper diet plan of eating less(not full dieting), dieting can make you fatter because it traps fat as if you are starving. Weight is genetic and not a good reason to pick on another person. Especially if your metabolism is slow. Dieting will just make your body act as a fat storage center and when you quit you gain back more. Stay eating the same types of food, stop eating as much and cut some out. Change milk chocolate to Dark, take sugar/sweetener and even creamer(creamer would be better to cut out of anything) out of tea or coffee. Drink a large glass of low fat/reduced milk everyday, and add veggies/fruit to a meal.
Whatever has been harming you take less, cut out your fattening condiments, change your foods to a lower fat type...etc You'll get it!
Work out. Like push-ups, chin-ups ab crunches, jumping jacks and walking. Walking(not running) is a better way to lose weight. Your body works better at a slower pace and burns more fat. I think partially because you take longer and walking gives you freedom to move more. It is the healthiest way to lose weight, next to swimming. Maybe if you have a dog? There's an excuse. Get friends into it with you , then it'll be easier and you both can force eachother. One is always pushier and harder on themselves. This plan will make you muscular, and burn fat. Remember to take fish oil because it burns fat naturally and take your vitamin B. "
That was from the user named 'Starlit Moonlite' who explained things in a bit of a long manner. For those who need a simpler way of cutting straight to the point, here's a second post from the long-time user named 'Prowly'.
"People usually underestimate their caloric intake, and/or forget to add the 'extra calories' from drinks, condiments, ect...Either that, or they just don't move. XDDI used to blame my metabolism for my weight, but then I switched to much healthier eating habits, and realized it was just cause I was eating small amounts of such unhealthy, calorie-dense foods... so I started to eat 6 small meals a day, and kept an accurate record of my daily food intake. I eat lots of fruits and veggies, lean meats and fish, low fat dairy, 100% whole grains... naturally, I get to eat a lot more of those than calorie dense foods like Ding Dongs (which I happen to have grown a recent love towards XD <33).>
So maybe you just need to switch things up a little bit? Definitely don't give up your favorite foods (like pizza! Yum. ^_~) Just stay conscious of what's going into your body for a while, sneak some extra physical activity into your schedule, and see if it makes a difference! Starlit Moonlite has some good advice."
And so you have read it, ladies and germs. The reason why straight-out dieting is just plain bad, that sticking to proper eating habits is a must, how NOT eating AT ALL is just gonna store more fat and how you should not pick on others if they just happened to be born big-boned (Did ya' hear that, Kai? :3).
Dramatic Presentation
This week was rather interesting.
On tuesday (yesterday), we went to Shakey's to make our own pizza. Okay, so it was partially lame because we didn't even make the doe or shove it in the oven ourselves. We basically just slapped some cheese, tomato sauce and random toppings on it. Each person was given a tiny chunk of half-cooked doe to use. Then, we ate. Hah, it was like the whole Highschool department simply missed out on morning classes just to dine at SM. Did I mention the mall looks awesome when it's 8AM and still CLOSED? (^0~)
We were all then given the chance to go on a minor-malling trip. Kai bought this guitar strap with a skull on it worth 217 pesos. (^-^) It was a satisfying morning and we all got back to school with a sort of a content feeling. By the time we got back by jeep, it twas' lunch time, and I went home to pickup my things for our dry run on the English play-thingy. I logged into YM and was shown some recent pics by my 'long-time guy friend'. (^.^) They were all looking drunk and happy-ish in ze pic. (o.O);
The Play - Dry Run
I arrived by the end of lunch hour several minutes late. I had to DESTROY half the room just to find that red, white and black dress I was gonna wear for going as the leading swindler. And I was STILL late. Chief Durai practically threatened to sue me if I didn't have a good excuse. (>_<) As for the actual play, the practice run went well for our group. The first group kinda lacked emotion in thier presentation. (^ ^);
Myrtle attracted a large crowd with her singing at a certain part of our play. But, during the scene where she -- going as the Empress Abu Abdullah Abdul (hahaha) -- was supposed to stab the swindler (me, who was going as a hidden dark spirit), ended up actually beating me up. Not that she did it on purpose...

The plastic knife she was supposed to use on me, and the ketchup I was gonna spill on my dress went missing at the last minute, so she and I had to settle for a 'beat-me-to-death' kind of scene. When she grabbed me to thrash me onto the floor, I was surprised by her force and didn't stick to a good landing. The side of my head smashed on the cement floor with a large THUD. (O_O)
As part of the act, she turned from me, stormed angrily around the room and turned back to kick me. But what she didn't count on was the fact her platform shoes were heavy. She was also supposed to kick me on the leg GENTLY, but missed a few inches and kicked my left boob instead. I was supposed to be 'dead', but slightly cringed from pain.
But we couldn't stop!! =0
We were beginning to attract an even LARGER crowd from both the elementary and some Highschool classes. Myrtle's crush was looking and I wanted to go down in a hazy blaze of glory. (o-o)
I stayed sprawled on the floor, holding the urge to stand up and cry. -twitch-
My stoney crash to the floor, especially with the huge thud, made everyone shout and squeel in surprise and delight. I gave myself an inward smile. The both of us continued to play our scene and so on. I said my lines, did my part with Tin (who played as Queen Shamalama-damalama Ding Dong, an even more retarded name than Myrtle's) and finally retired to the side of the classroom.
The rest of that day went on without a hitch and I skipped play practice that day to rest my numb head. Myrtle profusely apologized over and over again and I kept saying I was fine. Which at this point, I was. I think. (~.~)
I got home, took a cleansing bath, fell asleep face-first on my dinner and dragged my ass to bed by 8:30PM.
OIFL |;|
Hawthorne Heights
Hey there, I know it's
hard to feel
like I don't care at all
where you are
and how you feel.
With these lights off
as these wheels
keep rolling on and on.
(and on and on and on...)
Slow things down
or speed them up.
Not enough or
way too much.
(and on and on and on...)
How are you
when I'm gone?
And I can't make it on my own.
(And I can't make it on my own.)
Because my heart is in Ohio.
So cut my wrists
and black my eyes.
(Cut my wrists and black my eyes)
So I can fall asleep tonight, or die.
Because you kill me.
You know you do,
you kill me well.
You like it too, and I can tell!
You never stop until
my final breath is gone.
Steady, just, three last words.
"I love you." is all she heard.
"I'll wait for you,
but I can't wait forever."
Spare me just three last words?
"I love you." is all she heard.
"I'll wait for you,
but I can't wait forever."
And I can't make it on my own.
(And I can't make it on my own.)
Because my heart is in Ohio.
So cut my wrists
and black my eyes.
(Cut my wrists and black my eyes)
So I can fall asleep tonight, or die.
Because you kill me.
You know you do,
you kill me well.
You like it too, and I can tell!
You never stop until
my final breath is gone.
You know you do,
you kill me well.
You like it too, and I can tell!
You never stop until
my final breath is gone.
So cut my wrists
and black my eyes.
My final breath is gone!
So I can fall asleep tonight
And I can't make it on my own.
(And I can't make it on my own.)
Because my heart is in Ohio.
So cut my wrists
and black my eyes.
(Cut my wrists and black my eyes.)
So I can fall asleep tonight, or die.
Because you kill me.
You know you do,
you kill me well.
You like it too, and I can tell!
You never stop until
my final breath is gone.
So cut my wrists
and black my eyes.
My final breath is gone!
So I can fall asleep tonight
Note: The song is horribly emo, but I still think it's awesome. :3
I ain't emo~. XD
Interesting Topic
Hm, you peoples ask, "What does obesity mean"?
To be obese is defined as the condition of an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass.
Anorexia, on the other hand, is the opposite.
It is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Usually to death. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Individuals suffering from this have extreme weight loss.
A.K.A: Erika.
In Gaia, an internet forum with anime-styled avatars, I found this curious topic about whether you prefer dying through either of these two.
I simply said anorexia.Why?
Oh, sure... anorexia possesses more painful health problems to suffer right before death. But isn't it better to die looking pencil-thin instead of becoming a tub of lard? Fine. I'm being vain; but STILL! I'd rather fit in my coffin so I could avoid any more 'extra' expenses for the living.
Momentary Hangup

Jeanne logs into YM.
Myrtle attempts to
strangle Jeanne to contact Tin
via cell and/or landline.
Jeanne cannot contact Tin
cause her cell is broken
and Tin's landline is not working.
Myrtle tells Jeanne to NOT be late
so they and thier group could practice
for thier play/acting
on English class about
'The Empress's Clothes n' V-day Ball'
Jeanne rushes to the CR,
takes a bath and
promises to be there early.
Jeanne is mad
cause she just woke up,
and is slightly cranky. (+_+)
Free Time
That troublesome event stirred some dark, negative aura of contemplative torture. (o.O)
Hm, today is a Saturday and I'm very bored. Very, very bored. The fact that it was raining today didn't help my plans for doing something outside home perimeters. So, I stayed indoors, played a few games and read good ol' manga. Hell, I've got so much free time that I ended up cleaning and sweeping my room, which I don't do very often. I've read Absolute Boyfriend, Ayu Mayu and Ouran Highschool Host Club.
Manga - No, it's not a mango. Mangas are Japanese, anime comic books.
I also studied for meh RS (Remaining Skills) in Science. I even sung in the shower. (^___^)
Besides all that, it was another bland, rainy day.
Crap Happens
Not the bliss of sweet reality
nor the comfort of fragile fantasy.
I've been hoping for something
that's been long gone,
out of my empty grasp...
Though I can't help thinking,
"Was it ever really there in the first place?"
- {U}nknown
Today, during our 6PM trip to the supermarket, this dude comes roaring up and practically sexually harasses Myrtle, Kai and me. It was disturbing and I was silently pissed. I swear, I could have castrated the guy right there and then if he had even dared to follow us any longer than two minutes. We had a narrow escape and stepped into the blaring lights of our destination, where guards stood with guns in their buckled holsters.
AHEM. Myrtle, Jeanne and I went to SM after classes. We actually walked from the school to SM (SuperMart). As we~ Kaire's blog.
were about to get to the entrance of SM, some dude was following us. He was like "Miss... Miss?" in a moaning voice, laughing and smiling. I FUCKING SWEAR HE WAS FOLLOWING US. I heard his slippers dragging against the cement behind me.I was actually the one closest to him as we were walking to SM. Apparently, Myrtle and Jeanne didn't bother to wait for me. I was somehow 2 meters behind them while we were walking. And the dude was pretty close behind me! CRAP. That guy sounded drunk. If he followed us anywhere in the mall, I swear I would kick his dick a million fucking times (unless the dude didn't have one)."
Entry on Feb 6.
I started watching Naruto sometime last year. I'm still not done, for some odd reason. The starting of the story was decent and happy-ish enough, then things started going mellow-dramatic. Guh, I hate Sasuke for being an idiot and Sakura for trying to make him like her. (>0<)o
I hear Kakashi dies. (O-o)
So does Itachi, the bastard. (^o^)
Naruto and Sakura end up together. Gah. -shrug-
Sasuke dies, too...
... And Jiraiya, the perv. XDD
Annyywayy... you know you're 100% addicted to anime once you start attempting to watch every single, useless Naruto episode. I know I am. (^-^)
No, Sasuke ain't my most faved Naruto character nor am I addicted to this series. (o.o) I just like it alot.
But, I love this AMV. And the song ain't half-bad, either. I never really paid much attention to this particular band... but I think I will. XDD
Stage Rush Hour
Myrtle and I have agreed that things should stay in the past. It was stupid to argue about something so theoretical as a person's right of self-consciousness. Words such as those which challenge one's thought of supposed existence is taking on nothing more than the image of a hypocritical, self-righteously assumed individual.
Also, it is important to remember that something as spontaneous and temporary as mood swings shouldn't get in ones way to being a good person. (^__^)
So, about my day!
Hmm... lemme' think.
Okay, so I get to school today as usual, wearing my uniform with the black skirt, white inner shirt and sky blue vest (which makes me look fat, might I add). I get to school around the routine time of seven thirty, back to the familiar surroundings of Sir Zin's room and threw my bag on my gray desk. I skip over to where Myrtle was, who was in panic for not having a whole script for an English acting-thingy, and pulled me closer to scheme some more. We were actually up all night with Tin discussing -- on Yahoo! Messenger -- what the hell were we gonna do when the deadline for English comes. Eventually, it twas' decided that I would take the pleasant burden of making the !@#$% script. D8 Myrtle was giving me the friggin' puppy-dog eyes to insert a horror scene in our twisted story of 'The Emperor's/King's New Clothes'. I greatly turned down the offer -- only because I was the one appearing as the whitelady. (=__=);
By lunch, we were frantically rearranging the seats in our Math classroom, just so Myrtle could sit next to our 'dreamy' Korean classmate, Daniel. -rolls eyes- (-.- );
I dunno what the girls see in him. I GUESS he looks cute. Kinda. He doesn't even speak English very well and won't like a girl long enough to date em'. Still, Myrtle has high hopes playing as his subtle friend. By the time the bell rung, we were successful in getting him to sit next to her. XD But, I was mostly having a crammed session the whole time. Have I mentioned I despise Math? When the class ended and the beginning of lunchtime drew near, my head was pounding. I ended up copying some stuff from Myrtle and getting advice on algebraic substitution from Tin. Gah...! (>__<)
Now, here is the part where my stupid, moronic side kicks-in:
I grab my lunchpass from my bag and rush home to eat lunch there and come back to school later. By the time I reached home, I plopped over my bed, realizing my head really WAS pounding, and that it wasn't just the Math or the heat. I decided to take a 20-min nap before grabbing lunch. When I woke-up, it was already around 2PM, which means I was WAY past the time needed to get back to school. I had ALREADY missed two classes and Chief Durai would never let me in now. Realization had dawned and all I could do was situp and mentally kill myself from the inside. To make things worst, I couldn't just run back to school and grab my bag. I just hope Tin has it safely with her. Now, here I am, blogging about it and fuming. (+__+)
Sunset's Entirety
6:10 PM - The Academy

The day was ending. A blooming sunset of red and orange peers through the eyes of a girl who was anything but human.
She looks out the window, her curious gaze straying from the street below to the dimming skies and back again, wondering if a particular person had gazed at the same patch of sky.
Doubt creased her delicate brows.
"He won't be." She muttered darkly, realizing how childish she must sound like.
A hum gingerly escaped her lips, forcibly remembering the forbidden thoughts of a feigned happiness... the promise made long ago.
The sky grew dark; startling streaks of midnight blue wove and twisted itself around the sky, spreading the shade in it's growing embrace.
The edge of her lips tugged at the corners with the suggestion of a sad, inward smile.
Note: This was a roleplay intro I happend to favor.

The day of Jaro Fiesta. Err... alotta people came to our house today. I woke up in a daze, only to find lil' kids staring at me like some hideous science experiment gone wrong. Not exactly the wakeup call I've been hoping for...! (+_+)o
I must have been dreaming or something. The children seemed AWEFULLY content on watching me sleep the whole time (and my mom let them). I'm pretty sure it was a good dream and not like any of the nightmares I've had recently. Err... wonder why?
I leaped off my bed, shooed them away and got dressed for the people outside.
I wore a loose brown shirt, a long, black hoodie that I left open, my leggings which reached knee-length and my converse. Throw in some brecelets and a necklace, and I was decent enough. I was expecting alot of toe stepping with all the kids outside, so you can't blame me for taking extra precaution. (=.=)
The food was divine. Thank God for possessing a fast metabolism. I chucked down the roast pork and chopsuey and drank two cups of Sprite. I hung-out with a cousin/friend who I haven't seen in years and talked about recent things, such as that flood that happened a few months ago, clothing techniques, our little brothers and good books. She seemed to like Twilight.
She and I pretty much listened to my MP3 and just watched TV in general.
The day ended with a visit from a few of tita Bernadette's friends who chatted for awhile. I said 'hello' to random people, ate some more as a suggestion of good will and watched anime with my faved cousin, Patricia (a clever, not-so-original 10-year old). The anti-monotony of the day seemed oddly satisfying. Happy, in fact.
-sigh- This week didn't turn out so badly, especially with that conversation the day before. Now, if only I can avoid Myrtle for the rest of the week.
Cuppie Cakes

So I made cupcakes. (^_^)
Uhh... okay, so I basically just sloshed some pink and red goo in a bowl with an eggbeater. STILL, it was the closest thing I had to actual baking. My culinary skills are dirt. (- . -);
At first I was simply planning to watch my Aunt Bernadette for future preferences. Then I figured, what the hell? Looks simple enough. We poured some flour, strawberry baking mix, a few raw eggs, and cooking oil... I ended up stirring the whole thing clockwise and counterclockwise over and over again (and over and over-) till it was just some pink sespool that smelled like sickeningly sweet strawberries. We flayed them out on a metal tray ontop of some ruffled paper -- the ones you usually see on cupcakes -- using a lil' cup then popped them in the oven. I wanted to see the gooey pink stuff rise to the form of actual cupcakes, but tita mentioned that it would only take longer if I just stood there and stared at it.
The cupcakes were for Jaro fiesta tomorrow. As mentioned in a previous post, this celebration isn't much of a big deal, but is still rather special cause' my aunt and grandmother were here. They work in U.S. like my dad but, unlike him, come home only once every three years. So I don't get to see them that often (though as a side-effect, they get to stay longer whereas papa only has a few months with us). So, uhh... yeah. :3
We did carrot cupcakes next. It was practically the same process and so, not much to mention here. Though the brown and orange goo turned out to be more of a challenge. This one had more fiber than juice compared to strawberries and my arm quickly got tired (it twas' like a batter full of half-dried glue). (o.<)
Eventually, tita had to take over. By the time we were done, I couldn't help but snatch around three of the biggest ones. Mygawd, I'm such a pig. (=_=);