This week was rather interesting.
On tuesday (yesterday), we went to Shakey's to make our own pizza. Okay, so it was partially lame because we didn't even make the doe or shove it in the oven ourselves. We basically just slapped some cheese, tomato sauce and random toppings on it. Each person was given a tiny chunk of half-cooked doe to use. Then, we ate. Hah, it was like the whole Highschool department simply missed out on morning classes just to dine at SM. Did I mention the mall looks awesome when it's 8AM and still CLOSED? (^0~)
We were all then given the chance to go on a minor-malling trip. Kai bought this guitar strap with a skull on it worth 217 pesos. (^-^) It was a satisfying morning and we all got back to school with a sort of a content feeling. By the time we got back by jeep, it twas' lunch time, and I went home to pickup my things for our dry run on the English play-thingy. I logged into YM and was shown some recent pics by my 'long-time guy friend'. (^.^) They were all looking drunk and happy-ish in ze pic. (o.O);
The Play - Dry Run
I arrived by the end of lunch hour several minutes late. I had to DESTROY half the room just to find that red, white and black dress I was gonna wear for going as the leading swindler. And I was STILL late. Chief Durai practically threatened to sue me if I didn't have a good excuse. (>_<) As for the actual play, the practice run went well for our group. The first group kinda lacked emotion in thier presentation. (^ ^);
Myrtle attracted a large crowd with her singing at a certain part of our play. But, during the scene where she -- going as the Empress Abu Abdullah Abdul (hahaha) -- was supposed to stab the swindler (me, who was going as a hidden dark spirit), ended up actually beating me up. Not that she did it on purpose...

The plastic knife she was supposed to use on me, and the ketchup I was gonna spill on my dress went missing at the last minute, so she and I had to settle for a 'beat-me-to-death' kind of scene. When she grabbed me to thrash me onto the floor, I was surprised by her force and didn't stick to a good landing. The side of my head smashed on the cement floor with a large THUD. (O_O)
As part of the act, she turned from me, stormed angrily around the room and turned back to kick me. But what she didn't count on was the fact her platform shoes were heavy. She was also supposed to kick me on the leg GENTLY, but missed a few inches and kicked my left boob instead. I was supposed to be 'dead', but slightly cringed from pain.
But we couldn't stop!! =0
We were beginning to attract an even LARGER crowd from both the elementary and some Highschool classes. Myrtle's crush was looking and I wanted to go down in a hazy blaze of glory. (o-o)
I stayed sprawled on the floor, holding the urge to stand up and cry. -twitch-
My stoney crash to the floor, especially with the huge thud, made everyone shout and squeel in surprise and delight. I gave myself an inward smile. The both of us continued to play our scene and so on. I said my lines, did my part with Tin (who played as Queen Shamalama-damalama Ding Dong, an even more retarded name than Myrtle's) and finally retired to the side of the classroom.
The rest of that day went on without a hitch and I skipped play practice that day to rest my numb head. Myrtle profusely apologized over and over again and I kept saying I was fine. Which at this point, I was. I think. (~.~)
I got home, took a cleansing bath, fell asleep face-first on my dinner and dragged my ass to bed by 8:30PM.
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