As if to celebrate the start of my work on SS (Social Studies) term papers and this year's Science RS (remaining skills), I have finished reading both Twilight and most of the Harry Potter book series; seeing as how I still lack the 7th book, I haven't quite finished it. The two books aren't so bad, as many lazy readers have claimed it to be. In fact, I rather enjoyed the intricate woven plot of Harry Potter and the wild, 'WTF' moments of Twilight.
The only reason why I probably hate Twilight is due to the fact that Bella, one if it's characters, show the typical characteristics of a Mary Sue, always being pathetically rescued by the vampire-ish symbol of masculinity that is Edward Cullen. That... and the stupid lil' fangirls. I mean, horrible luck and a knack for attracting impending doom from the supernatural? What kind of retarded excuse is that -- putting you're character in hopelessly hapless situations of helpessness practically 24/7?
I don't know whether it suffices to complain about Harry Potter, though:
other than the fact that you have to keep a wild array of wizard, witches and whole bunch of magical creatures in mind -- just to remember what the story is about in the first place -- the books are wonderfully written with clever details here and there, with shortcuts when it need-be to avoid lag in the overall results. It's like I have the whole story behind my eyelids.
*sigh* If only school textbooks can be this entertaining.
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