
Overweight Barbies FTW

This dude got me laughing SO hard! It broke my boredom in such a lovely manner. :3
I love his anti-laughter control. I could NEVER hold my profused giggling when it comes to stupid, random prank phonecalls. And he even called a company phone, too! XD
Yesss~!! Overweight barbies rule! \(^0^)/

Ah, intelligently idiotic conversations. The woman at the company must've been bored, too.

Mytoecold: I'm calling Barbie, um, Barbie collector dot com? For help with barbies. If you dunno what barbies are... those dolls.
Company Woman: Barbie collector! This is Deedee, how can I help you?
Mytoecold: Hello, is this for barbies?
Company Woman: Yes, BARBIE COLLECTOR. Can I help you?
Mytoecold: Oh, hello! I was just wondering for, like, a specific type of barbie for my daughter?
Company Woman: Well, what type are you looking FOR?
Mytoecold: Well, um, okay... your probably... ugh, I dunno. It's kinda embarassing. Like, your probably gonna think this is a prank call or something. But, my daughter's fat, like she's a fatty, and... I need a barbie that would make her feel more comfortable. Like do have any overweight barbies?
Company Woman: No we don't.
Mytoecold: Why not?
Company Woman: ...
Mytoecold: *grin*
Company Woman: ...Because we don't sell overweight barbies.
Mytoecold: Tsch. Well are you just trying to prove that the American image is skinny blonde chicks?
Company Woman: I would say that the... request for overweight barbies is slim to none. So we don't make them.
Mytoecold: Well here's one!
Company Woman: At this time, ma'am, we do not... we do not have overweight barbies.
Mytoecold: Well that's a shame, cause' I was gonna buy one.
Company Woman: We have lot's of barbies to choose from, but I'm afraid that none of them are overweight.
Mytoecold: Well, could I like buy a barbie and glue some weight to it?
Company Woman: Do what...?
Mytoecold: Can I, like... buy a barbie and glue some weight to it?
Company Woman: I guess that it's up to you if you'd like to do that.
Mytoecold: Yeah?
Company Woman: But then her clothing wouldn't fit.
Mytoecold: You don't make overweight barbie-clothing?
Company Woman: No, ma'am, we don't.
Mytoecold: Why?
Company Woman: Because we DO NOT HAVE OVERWEIGHT BARBIES. So we do not make overweight barbie clothing.
Mytoecold: Oh, right... Well, let's see. Um, so you don't have overweight barbies...?
Company Woman: Well, I never... Well I've never seen one!
Mytoecold: But, I mean... seriously! Is it because you're not comfortable with obesity? Or...?
Company Woman: I have no problem with obesity. I've never seen an overweight barbie.
Mytoecold: Oh, right. Umm... but it's just kind of offending. Because, I'm a Fatty Mcfatfat, and it's just kinda easier for, like, my child! Like, 'Here's a barbie!' And she'd be, like, 'This is skinny, this isn't me.' But if I give her like, you know... a fat barbie, it'll be like... are you laughing at me?
Company Woman: Well, I've... I've never heard of such a thing. I've never heard of a fat, overweight barbie. Or, any type... type of collection doll. Have YOU ever seen one?
Mytoecold: No, I was just wondering--
Company Woman: No, I haven't... Yeah, I'v never seen one. EVER.
Mytoecold: Oh, ok. Well.... thank you for your help~.
Company Woman: Oh, your welcome! And THANK YOU for calling.
Mytoecold: Yeah.
Company Woman: Bye now.
Mytoecold: Bye~!

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