1. Where is your cellphone? Besides me, no load, low batteries.
2. Your significant other? A person I'd like to keep to myself.
3. Your hair? Currently the same color as always (black). Kinda messy.
4. Your mother? In the CR, getting ready to take me and Drey to the mall.
5. Your father? I dunno what he's doing. Working, I guess?
6. Your favorite thing? My Creative ZEN MP3 player.
7. Your dream last night? A dream about a beach, a certain person and tales of running away with a million dollars.
8. Your favorite drink? Cranberry juice~!
9. Your dream/goal? To do something with my writing skills and possibly be a lawyer.
10. What room are you in? My bedroom... untidy and cramped as ever.
11. Your hobby? Online games and writing various forms of fanfiction.
12. Your fear? Pink. Spiders, the dark and ghosts.
13. Where do you want to be in six years? College. Manila or somewhere in northern US.
14. Where were you last night? Same place where I'm typing this.
15. Something that you aren't? A person lacking deep eyebags.
16. Muffins? I want some of those...
17. Wish list item? Clothes.
18. Where you grew up? Iloilo city, Philippines.
19. Last thing you did? Eating some cheese n' dip.
20. What are you wearing? A loose, green T-shirt and baggy red shorts.
21. Your TV? Turned off. I think it's broken.
22. Pets? They all died. I'm an irresponsible pet-owner.
23. Friends? Kai, Myrtle, Justine, Jasmine, Sanie.
24. Your life? Kinda ordinary. Unpredictable, I suppose.
25. Your mood? Bland.
26. Missing someone? Very much so. And I just don't mean a specific person.
27. Your car? I don't have one. (-.-);
28. Something you're not wearing? Undies.
29. Your favorite store? Hot Topic, Bum, Guess. :3
30. Your favorite color? Black, white, red, dark blue, violet, gray.
31. When was the last time you laughed? Last night, when Kai was happily crying over the awesome items on Hot Topic.
32. Last time you cried? I'd rather not say it.
33. Favorite thing (2)? My Laptop!
34. Places you go over and over again? The mall, I guess. My backyard?
35. One person who regularly emails you? No one personally.
36. Favorite places to eat? Pizza places. 8D
37. One place you'd like to be right now? Infront of a certain person.
38. People who PM you often? Six to seven people on a regular basis.
39. What are you thinking of right now? Creating moronic schemes on how to spontaneously get to Manila.
40. One person who you think will respond? Respond to Tin's toenails?
Copy the questions and answer them. And don't forget to tag two people after you do so. (^_^)
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