Just so you'd know, I ran out of ideas for my posting titles. Hence, the numbers. This'll be a random post.

unless you're planning to do it on purpose. "
Psch. The month of May is probably going to be the month where I have the least number of posts. I've disappointed myself. (v.v)
I don't have much to say, other than the fact that I'm pretty content. I've been re-reading books over and over again; I've been eating alright, played with my little brother and have improved greatly in Domo. I've been chatting, laughing and living all thoughout the summer. And yet, boredom always manages to find me. EVERY single time. *Slumps in defeat*
... Maybe I should have gone ahead and enrolled in that writing class back in Angelicum for the summer. But, meh.... my mom didn't have enough cash to fund it at the moment. So it's understandable~. (>.<)
I gotto say, Domo harbors alotta interesting people. I'm really glad I decided to come back. *nodsnods*
Kai, my metalhead friend, didn't get online today. I wanted to come visit her house (for the sake of both of us finding something interesting to do), but since I couldn't ask her to confirm my visit, it wasn't advisable to just pop in at her huge-ass house like a stranger.
They would probably have mistaken me for a burglar and kicked me out or something. XDD
My brother has grown. ALOT. I can't even carry him anymore. Even if I tried, I'd get chills down my spine telling me I might drop him. (-_-)
He's chubby and he seriously looks like a lil' Chinese boy. *pinches his cheeks, brother cries* (O.O);
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