and I told them she couldn't age due to the fact she's a vampire. "
Today, I went the house of my father's mother's family somehwere in Lapaz.
I had alotta 2nd cousins I never knew, most of which were already US citizens, going to be, or are part-American by blood. (O__o) Thier mothers were Pinays who were born there.And divorce diidn't look like much of an issue for them. *sigh* If only my parents could come to such terms. There'd be less problems on everyone's part. Oh well. Not my business now, is it? I'm pretty sure it'll come down to that sooner or later. (=__=)
Now, I shall launch into a long-winded, moderately-accurate description of the house. I'm too lazy to make an entire map at the moment~. The house had a rather low ceiling, covered in a profusely stubborn shade of white and was railed with brown wood on every possible angle. The house wasn't very big, but you could tell it was pretty cozy in there. Not to mention they had a nice green, neat, wide garden. The livingroom and the dining room were in a single huge room. An 8-foot mirror attached to an entire wall to the left reflected the whole portion of the livingroom. To the right, stationed infront of the entrance, there were a pair of small sofas facing an old-fashion TV ontop of an elaborated shelf that was as tall as the mirror. Past the mirror was the kitchen /slash/ diningroom. Also reflecting on the mirror are the stairs to the 2nd floor (I dunno what's up there, though). In the kitchen, there was a large wooden dinong around the same size and height as our own. Marble counters lined the kitchen. Turning to the left is a narrow hall apparently leading to some bedrooms... I think they belonged to my cousins.... I don't know; I'm simply assuming they were cause' I spotted them coming in and out of them. XD
The food was awesome. They ordered a family-sized pepporoni pizza. And cheese sticks! So many cheese sticks! Why couldn't I ask if I could bring some home? Drey was the center of attention. He was running and screaming and smiling at every face he passed. Cute. Speaking of cuteness, they apparently owned a bunch of half-trained dogs. They weren't what I considered 'cute'... except there was this tiny puppy that kept sneaking through the door and prowling the house for scraps.
My cousins were funny. Not to mention just a tad bit prone to overreaction. They'd mutter "Oh My Gosh" at every little thing. For some reason, it reminds me of Sanie (Awww!). They were mostly kids around the age of 6 to 12. The oldest, this girl who seemed a year ahead of me seemed pretty nice. Unfortunetly, I couldn't catch ANY of thier names. (-.-); I, on the other hand, simply idled to a corner, listening to the adults talk and stared at the puppy being fed pieces of chicken. I nibbled on a fresh cheese stick every 2 minutes for good measure. Once in a while, someone would ask me a question or two about my mom or my dad or my brother and I'd answer in the politest way I know how: Which is simple and straight to the point.
The whole get-together ended by 3:30pm and we called a taxi to bring us back to Jaro. It was raining, and we nearly sunk into a flooded ditch. (x_x);
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