A student from ASIL died due to dengue fever on the month of July, 2009. I was at school on Friday, using the whole day to my advantage since there was a school rally for the student council elections.
I overheard the news when I was taking my remaining skills within the teacher's lounge, overhearing them talk about the poor girl's platelets dropping all the way down to 37/200 before she passed away in tears by 11AM. She began having a series of intense fevers before being admitted into a hospital; even eating at Chowking before her internal pains became too much to bear. By the time the teacher's closed the hushed subject, I was stunned. Glued to my seat. I soon found it hard to concentrate on the pile of papers laid-out before me. Someone died? A first year? Who...?
I blocked my racing speculations, mentally preparing myself to find out who it was after I was done with what I needed to do. But my wandering thoughts came to waste, for I immediately found out who it was by the time I exited the room.
I seated myself on a chair infront of the bookstore, silently brooding over my finished work. The news of an Angelican's death still sounded so alien to me. It was then that I remembered that someone mentioned Raymund's younger sister (Raymund Santua was my 1st year classmate who transferred by second year and came back by third year). It wasn't long till I managed to put two-and-two together. I had no idea what kind of ordeal she went through. You can't really imagine it, can you? I mean, lying on your deathbed by the mere age of twelve... you'll find it hard to accept that kind of situation unless your actually IN it. :|

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